Bible Prophecy

It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be?

It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be?

I could never have imagined that a U.S. President would choose to protect an organization so barbaric and monstrous as Hamas at the expense of Israel. The Biden administration is refusing to ship weapons to the nation unless it relents from its intent to invade Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas.

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

As a former pastor, I grieve because of what’s happening in many churches. The silence of shepherds keeps many saints in the dark regarding what lies behind current world events and diverts their attention to temporal things away from their glorious “blessed hope” in Jesus’ appearing.

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Jesus not only guided me safely through many “brutal” attacks against my heart, but He also brought me to a place of ministry that reaches thousands around the world.

How? What kept me from falling off the edge? Sometimes I wonder myself, but I know what the Lord used to keep me sane at such times.

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

Because of a rabbi’s influence and the friendships that he formed, England went from forbidding Jews to live within its borders to publishing ben Israel’s book, The Hope of Israel, in English, honoring him late in his life, and opening its doors to the Jewish people.

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

The urgency for everyone to understand what Scripture says about our future comes at a time when most churches refuse to talk about what the Bible says about the day in which we live.

As a result, most believers remain in the dark regarding their hope in Jesus’ soon appearing as well as the grave perils they face because the majority of the world's leaders bow before the murderous enemy of their souls.

The Bubble of Normalcy

The Bubble of Normalcy

Many today live in what I call a “bubble of normalcy” where they feel secure because of exaggerated and unrealistic expectations of either a return to normalcy or of it continuing indefinitely into the future.

Even a great number of believers reside in a world of inflated expectations regarding what lies ahead for them.

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy?

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy?

Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”

In other words, good theology comes from a scriptural understanding of God’s character and this is especially true in regard to the study of future things.