The Great Tribulation

5 Popular Lies About the Rapture

5 Popular Lies About the Rapture

Within the walls of most churches that claim to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, the most unpopular belief today is that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture. In such places of worship, one never hears about it while in other instance, it’s flatly denied.

As a result the backlash against our ‘blessed hope,” much of what people read about it in books and on social media just is not true.

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Imminency. It tells us we live each day on the edge of eternity. The Rapture might begin at any moment.

However, as the moments become days and then weeks, months, and years, we struggle to maintain our eager anticipation of Jesus’s appearing.

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

The UN recently announced that they need “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs.”

Is the fact that the globalists are thinking in terms of “seven years” prophetically significant?

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

Scripture is remarkably clear about this: the time leading up to the seven-year Tribulation, as well as the period itself, will be marked by overwhelming and widespread deception.

As we look around us, it’s unmistakable that this has reached epidemic levels, which signifies that we live in the shadow of the coming seven-year Tribulation.

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Revelation begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” The book is all about Jesus’ magnificence and power. From beginning to end, Revelation glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation is more relevant than ever before as we watch a great many of its prophecies came into sharper focus.

3 Ways Climate Alarmists Reject Biblical Truths

3 Ways Climate Alarmists Reject Biblical Truths

It's because of the current push across the world to demonize the use of fossil fuels as well as those of us who do not believe the climate alarmists that I have decided to write a series of articles in response. In this first post, I present a biblical view of the environment in response to those that claims we are the deniers of reality.

The Other Shoe

The Other Shoe

In many ways, waiting for the other shoe to drop describes the times in which we live, does it not? Believers who are aware that we live in the last days recognize the many indicators of Jesus’ soon intervention in the world, which will begin with the Rapture followed soon by the Tribulation.

For us who are in Christ, the “other shoe” will be joyful and wonderful, but for the world, not so much.

The Great Reset Versus the Great Renewal

The Great Reset Versus the Great Renewal

In my last few posts, I have examined the plans of the globalists to merge humans with machines. The true motive of these transhumanists is that of monitoring the behavior of people for the purpose of exerting absolute control over them.

However, there’s good news for those in Christ!

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 3

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 3

Perhaps the most telling indicator today of the rapidly approaching tribulation is the fast-rising world government that the Bible says will dominate the world during the tribulation period. The globalists openly discuss their plans for world domination, yet so many believers, as well as their pastors, remain unaware of the sinister agenda of these elite power brokers.

Do you see it? Are you ready for the Lord’s appearing?

The War Against Life

The War Against Life

It’s much more than a war on our children, although it’s all that. It’s more than an assault against women, but it’s surely that as well. And it’s more than the destroying of God’s design for marriage, although that’s definitely included.

What we see today is an all-out attack on life itself.

The Prophetic Implication of the Mark of the Beast

The Prophetic Implication of the Mark of the Beast

One of the more familiar terms in the book of Revelation is also one of the most misunderstood phrases in the apocalypse. Many people have heard about the “mark of the beast” and its corresponding 666, but few believe it will ever become a reality.

Among those who believe it signifies a future prophecy, it has become a source of confusion amid all the talk of COVID-19 vaccines.

Our World Hangs on the Edge of Eternity

Our World Hangs on the Edge of Eternity

I believe we live in a period of relative calm before a great storm sweeps across the planet. God’s judgment on the Christ-rejecting world is ever so close at hand. The rapidly approaching tribulation will bring people face to face with the wrath of the Lord and give them one more opportunity to turn to the Savior before they face an eternity apart from Him.

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

The Prepping of Society for the Antichrist

When 2020 began, who could have imagined that a virus from China would take us closer to the tribulation? However, COVID-19 has done exactly that.

This “social control” is paving the way for the coming world government. The global warming alarm and the fear generated by COVID-19 are prepping society for the arrival of the antichrist.

Not Now, I Have My Life to Live

Not Now, I Have My Life to Live

One would think that with all the chaos in just the first six months of 2020 we would see a concentrated focus by pastors on biblical prophecy and warnings about what is to come, but such is not the case.

Why do we see such lack urgency in our churches as biblical signs of the coming tribulation explode around us like fireworks in the sky? Why do Christians, some of whom profess to believe in pretribulation rapture, flock to churches where they sadly hear no mention the Lord’s soon appearing or the imminent tribulation?

10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

Have you ever wondered during the past few months if the seven-year tribulation has already begun?

Although the tribulation has not yet started, we see the beginning of conditions we know will be much worse during this seven-year period. I believe this is God’s way of getting the attention of the world before His judgments begin. He’s also letting us know that His appearing is imminent.

Living In the Shadow of the Tribulation

Living In the Shadow of the Tribulation

A comment on my blog referred to our current day as the “shadow of the tribulation;” I think that is quite accurate. The horrible conditions of the tribulation have not yet started, but we see its ever darkening shadow everywhere in the world.

Here are some examples what it means to live in the shadow of the tribulation:

Are You at a Breaking Point?

Are You at a Breaking Point?

If not for my belief in the rapture, I would have reached a breaking point long, long ago. As it is, I sometimes feel anger boiling up within me as I see entertainers celebrating abortions, the evil that intensifies each and every day, and the greed and hatred rampant in our world.

I also know many believers have reached a breaking point due to illness, grief, and affliction. Pain touches the lives of so many followers of Jesus.

7 Reasons Why the Rapture is Not the Second Coming

7 Reasons Why the Rapture is Not the Second Coming

Is the rapture unique or just another way of describing the second coming?

Pastors, teachers, and Christian writers have differing opinions on this. One assistant pastor at a Bible-believing church once told me he did not believe in the rapture. Along with such denials, many today assert that the book of Revelation is mostly allegory or past history, which necessitates that the rapture and second coming be the same event.

When I look at Scripture, I see two unique events separated by a period of time. The New Testament teaches Jesus will appear to take believers back to His Father’s house in heaven.

Do You See the Storm Clouds?

Do You See the Storm Clouds?

Most of us have seen it at some point in our lives. The daytime sky becomes dark ahead of an approaching strong storm; the blackness of the clouds makes it seem like night outside our window as our smartphones buzz with weather warnings. This happened outside my window as I was writing this post.

In Jesus’ day, people did not have our technology to warn of approaching storms. Instead, they learned to recognize signs in the sky that told them what to expect.

Is This The End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

Is This The End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

Do you remember the song “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band? This popular tune made it all the way to number 3 on the Billboard charts during the summer and fall of 1971. The refrain concludes with the words, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, sign, sign, sign.”

Now that I have that song firmly ensconced in your mind, I will move on to a different type of sign that I see everywhere I look. These multiple signs point to the coming tribulation and the end of the age.

I believe there is something radically different about what we are now witnessing today in our world.