An Election of Extremes

IMG_3511 (2) This has been an election cycle of extremes.

Interest this election is sky high while satisfaction with the candidates seems lower than ever.

On the Republican side we saw a record number of choices. On the Democrat side, the matter was decided long before anyone cast a vote in that primary.

Donald Trump wants to make America great again. Hillary Clinton wants to continue America’s current descent toward globalization.

One candidate has been in politics all her life while the other has never been a politician or held office.

But what does it all mean from the standpoint of eternity?

On the one hand . . . the world appears to be racing toward what Scripture describes as the Great Tribulation. The signs of this abound all around us:

Everything Jesus said would happen leading up to the Great Tribulation is happening now.

The world today closely resembles Jesus’ description in Matthew 24:9-14 of what the world would look like leading into this time of tribulation. It’s almost as if the Lord was glancing through headlines from today’s newspapers as He talked to His disciples long ago.

Everything Jesus said would happen leading up to the Great Tribulation is happening now.

Then there is the prophecy of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39, which has become an infallible predictor of how nations in the Middle East have aligned themselves over the past ten years.

Through the United Nations, the world is well on its way to forming the one world government spoken of in Daniel and the book of Revelation. Given the right circumstances, this new world order could appear almost overnight.

In his September 20, 2016 address to the United Nations, President Obama said that nations like the United States would have to "accept constraints" for the common good of this coming world order. That would mean, according to the President, that Americans would need to give up some of their freedoms for the sake of the world order.

Based on what President Obama said, we can be sure that this new socialistic world order is well on the way to reality and when it comes Americans will lose many of their freedoms, not just "some" as he indicated.

Given what we see in the world today with the approach of the tribulation and the rise of the one world government, we as believers may soon be celebrating in the very presence of our Savior.

Given what we see in the world today with the approach of the tribulation and the rise of the one world government, we as believers may soon be celebrating in the very presence of our Savior. Our joyous hope in the Lord’s appearing could soon be reality.

On the other hand . . . we do not know the day or hour Jesus will return to take us home to be with Him. It could be today, or it could be several years from now. We just do not know.

We may remain earthbound a little longer as salt and light in a world increasingly dominated by Satan’s kingdom of darkness.

While this year’s election may hopefully delay our nation’s path to globalization, apart from a massive spiritual revival things remain bleak for our nation. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Our nation's current leaders fervently support Planned Parenthood who not only performs abortions but harvests the body parts for profit. It does not get any worse than this. How much longer will God’s patience last? The Lord hates abortion much more than any of us! It's only a matter of time before He shows up to stop this.
  • The disrespect of our nation’s leaders for the laws of our land has led to attacks on authority that threaten the stability of our country as never before.
  • Our nation is quickly becoming a borderless country decreasing protection and safety for its citizens and increasing the chances for anarchy.
  • We are rapidly approaching $20 trillion in debt and as a result even a small economic crisis could bring down our entire economy and wreak havoc for all of us.

I hope and pray for a more conservative supreme court; I truly believe this matters. But can this alone change the course of a country steeped in rebellion against God? I don’t think so.

I want to see America great again, but also one that returns to the Lord and honors Him. I cannot imagine a strong and prosperous America apart from a sweeping spiritual revival across our land. How can God bless us as a nation if we continue our support for the vile practices of Planned Parenthood?

With each passing day the forces of evil gain a stronger foothold in our nation. Without revival there is no hope for our nation. We are on a path to destruction regardless of who wins in November. The Lord is patient so His judgment may not fall in the near future. Unless however, we change our course, He will show up much to distress of those who so vehemently rejection Him now.

My hope, however, resides in what we cannot see: the sovereign working of the Lord’s purposes as the world races toward the coming tribulation while we as believers wait expectantly for the Lord to take us home!

I will vote and pray for our country.

My hope, however, resides in what we cannot see: the sovereign working of the Lord’s purposes as the world races toward the coming tribulation while we as believers wait expectantly for the Lord to take us home!
