It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be?

It’s Anti-Semitism: What Else Could It Be?

I could never have imagined that a U.S. President would choose to protect an organization so barbaric and monstrous as Hamas at the expense of Israel. The Biden administration is refusing to ship weapons to the nation unless it relents from its intent to invade Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas.

HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine 

HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine 

In our new book, Hereafter, Terry James and I explore what the Bible reveals about eternity. What we discovered from our examination of Bible prophecy is just what the subtitle says, “It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine.”

5 Popular Lies About the Rapture

5 Popular Lies About the Rapture

Within the walls of most churches that claim to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, the most unpopular belief today is that of the pre-Tribulation Rapture. In such places of worship, one never hears about it while in other instance, it’s flatly denied.

As a result the backlash against our ‘blessed hope,” much of what people read about it in books and on social media just is not true.

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Imminency. It tells us we live each day on the edge of eternity. The Rapture might begin at any moment.

However, as the moments become days and then weeks, months, and years, we struggle to maintain our eager anticipation of Jesus’s appearing.

11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days

11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days

I’m convinced that we live in biblical times that are far different than any time since the first century AD. I say this because of the abundance of signs pointing to the soon arrival of the seven-year Tribulation with the Rapture occurring before it starts.

Although many mock our expectation of Jesus’ soon appearing, the words of Scripture side with those of us who cherish the hope of His imminent return.

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

What Lies Behind Today's Siege of Bible Prophecy?

Over the past few years, I have noticed an underlying current in teachings that deny such things as the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign before the eternal state. They have the net effect of diminishing Jesus’ role in end time events, which inevitably shifts the focus of the saints away from the Savior to the things of this life.

2024 Solar Eclipse: Coincidence or Final Warning?

2024 Solar Eclipse: Coincidence or Final Warning?

Could the upcoming completion of an X across the U.S. midsection by the April 8, 2024, eclipse point to another catastrophe in the months afterward such as happened in 1811 after another darkening of the sun completed an X in the same area?

Is this just an uncanny coincidence, or does it point to something far more ominous?

The Late Great United States

The Late Great United States

Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022, the blood of precious children still soaks American soil and cries out for justice. Several states remain fixated on the murder of the innocents with many corporations paying the travel expenses for women in states where laws prohibit such slaying.

Replacement Theology: A Backdoor Assault on the Integrity of Scripture

Replacement Theology: A Backdoor Assault on the Integrity of Scripture

Much like a quarterback suddenly tackled from behind by a player from the opposing side, the claim that God has rejected Israel and replaced the nation with the church represents a blindside assault on the integrity of Scripture.

The Error That Causes Christians To Misunderstand The Purpose Of The Tribulation by Amir Tsarfati

The Error That Causes Christians To Misunderstand The Purpose Of The Tribulation by Amir Tsarfati

The 70th week of Daniel, also known as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble and the Great Tribulation, is one of, if not the most, decisive arguments for the pre-tribulation Rapture of the church. 

Finding Peace in a Fear-Mongering World

Finding Peace in a Fear-Mongering World

Where do we go when the perils of this life spark anger within us or cause us to retreat within ourselves in fear of what might happen next? Where do we find peace in a fear-mongering world?

Scripture Must Have the Final Say in All Things Pertaining to Both Our Faith and Israel

Scripture Must Have the Final Say in All Things Pertaining to Both Our Faith and Israel

Since our status as justified saints can never be undone, the same perpetual quality must of necessity also apply to God’s promise of restoring a kingdom to the nation of Israel.

Both rest in the enduring quality of God’s Word and the unchangeable nature of His promises to us.

Why Was it Necessary for God to Choose One People?

Why Was it Necessary for God to Choose One People?

Why did God choose the sons of Jacob, later named Israel, to be His special people. The Bible does not tell us why; it was His sovereign choice, which Romans 9 makes clear.

Although we cannot look inside God’s mind on this matter of selecting Israel, in hindsight, we recognize why it was necessary for the Lord to choose one specific race of people.

The Claim that Jesus Now Reigns Over the Nations Dishonors Our Savior

The Claim that Jesus Now Reigns Over the Nations Dishonors Our Savior

The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. However, is this the rule of Jesus over the nations of the earth? Is our current experience the kingdom to which the New Testament says we are heirs?

What is this kingdom to which the Bible says we are heirs as believers.?

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

As a former pastor, I grieve because of what’s happening in many churches. The silence of shepherds keeps many saints in the dark regarding what lies behind current world events and diverts their attention to temporal things away from their glorious “blessed hope” in Jesus’ appearing.

As the World Knocks on Death’s Door, We Await a Savior

As the World Knocks on Death’s Door, We Await a Savior

Why is it that an unblemished record of failed predictions and evidence pointing to other factors affecting the weather do not matter to these power brokers? Are they not attempting to change the climate themselves? What lies behind their murderous agenda?

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

Do not let the elite powerbrokers of our day deceive you; there is no climate emergency. This is one of many deceptions that Jesus said would characterize the last days (Matthew 24:4). The purpose of COP28 is about furthering the ruse that the globalists believe will enable them to gain control of all the nations.

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Jesus not only guided me safely through many “brutal” attacks against my heart, but He also brought me to a place of ministry that reaches thousands around the world.

How? What kept me from falling off the edge? Sometimes I wonder myself, but I know what the Lord used to keep me sane at such times.

He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon

He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon

As I wondered about how to respond to the normality bias so evident in churches today, I thought about the title of the Francis A. Schaeffer book that I read in college, He Is There and He is Not Silent. I believe that name might be adjusted for today as, “He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon.”

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

Because of a rabbi’s influence and the friendships that he formed, England went from forbidding Jews to live within its borders to publishing ben Israel’s book, The Hope of Israel, in English, honoring him late in his life, and opening its doors to the Jewish people.