Mark of the Beast

It’s Far Better To Heed God’s Warnings Now, Before They Become Reality

It’s Far Better To Heed God’s Warnings Now, Before They Become Reality

As I watch current events unfold in America and around the world, I find myself wondering why the Rapture has not already occurred.

I never thought I would see so many precursors to the Tribulation period as are evident all around us and yet still be waiting for the Lord’s appearing.

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life!

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life!

If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.

In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be.

Transhumanism: The Path to the Mark of the Beast

Transhumanism: The Path to the Mark of the Beast

The path from here to eternity grows clearer with each passing day.

On the one hand, the globalists openly speak and write about their plans for transhumanism and the Great Reset, which sound remarkably similar to what the book of Revelation predicts for the future of the world. On the other hand, the Bible tells us that although these powerbrokers of today will enjoy success for a season, God will destroy them during the tribulation.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 4

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 4

The globalists needed something closer to home to generate the necessary panic through which they could control people’s behavior; and COVID-19 has done exactly that. It has created the needed worldwide climate of fear, which gives them the perfect opportunity to carry out their agenda for the Great Reset, the term that the World Economic Forum (WEF) gives to the coming world government.

None Are So Blind

None Are So Blind

There’s an ancient saying that dates back to 1546 when John Heywood said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Unfortunately, this quote aptly describes the majority of pastors today in the United States, even many of those who preach in churches whose statements of faith affirm beliefs in the inerrancy of Scripture.

One Minute to Midnight

One Minute to Midnight

Is this it? Are we living in the very last moments before the rapture? Is the seven-year tribulation taking shape before our eyes?

Far too many Christians answer “no” to these questions. It’s one minute to midnight and they remain asleep, unaware the we live in the perilous last days before the rapture.