God's Word

The Perils of Preterism

The Perils of Preterism

Preterism is one of today’s most popular views of the end times; it’s popularity among Christian leaders and pastors continues to grow.

In this article, I demonstrate the falseness of this belief with five egregious errors of preterism.

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

The woke culture that’s invaded many churches thrives on promoting a Jesus that’s far different from the One we read about in the New Testament, which always begins when a church discounts the meaning of words in the biblical text.

The words of Scripture matter. One cannot devalue their meaning without opening to door to false teaching.

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

We learn a lot by looking at fulfilled prophecy. At His first coming, Jesus fulfilled forty-eight specific prophecies concerning His birth, lineage, life, death, and burial.

What does this tell us about our approach to the many prophecies that remain unfulfilled?

Persevering in a Dangerous World

Persevering in a Dangerous World

We live in a time like no other because so very few people are paying attention to the deadly crises that loom on our horizon. We live in biblical times because what we see worldwide is precisely what God's Word says the world look like just before the start of the seven-year Tribulation.

The Anchor Of Our Blessed Hope Holds Amid Wicked and Lawless Times

The Anchor Of Our Blessed Hope Holds Amid Wicked and Lawless Times

As the walls of the world close in on us and threaten our wellbeing, freedoms, and perhaps even our lives in the days ahead, we know that our hope rests in the “steadfast anchor of our soul,” namely Jesus and our anticipation of His soon return for us.

3 Dangers of Illuminating Bible Prophecy With One's Own Light

3 Dangers of Illuminating Bible Prophecy With One's Own Light

If you were to ask me why I believe what I do about Jesus’ imminent appearing and His future reign over a gloriously restored Israel, I would reply that the words of Scripture are my source of confidence. I stand on its promises.

Defending the Integrity of Scripture

Defending the Integrity of Scripture

However, many pastors today insist that prophetic texts that refer to the restoration of a kingdom for Israel, the tribulation, and Jesus’ future reign are allegory, symbolical of another reality. This discrediting of the words of the Bible, however, is like a loose thread on a knit sweater. If one pulls at it long enough, it unravels the entire sweater.