Man of Lawlessness

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

Scripture is remarkably clear about this: the time leading up to the seven-year Tribulation, as well as the period itself, will be marked by overwhelming and widespread deception.

As we look around us, it’s unmistakable that this has reached epidemic levels, which signifies that we live in the shadow of the coming seven-year Tribulation.

Transhumanism: The Evil Force Behind the New World Order

Transhumanism: The Evil Force Behind the New World Order

One might ask, “What does transhumanism have to do with the not so secretive plans for a Communistic world government?” “Everything” is the correct answer. You cannot have the Great Reset without transhumanism; it’s how they plan to achieve worldwide acceptance of the Great Reset.